Saturday 25 October 2014

Packed food companies... liars.

So basically, my dad is a big lover of change and trying out different things. Basically anything at all as long as it is something different without really considering if it is something good or not. Like recently he has been talking about moving cities. It's really making me cringe because we moved here only a year ago and now he wants to move again -_- But fortunately, getting different types of food doesn't make me that mad because.. heh.. at least it's only one meal.. ^_^

According to the box, this is what the prawn curry was supposed to look like...
This is what I got. And no, it may seem like the prawn is in the curry, but actually they were really tiny chunks of them in there. And I don't eat prawn at all, let alone prawn curry. In fact, I think I've only had them once before and I didn't know if what I tasted was right or not..
Not sure what I'm trying to say here, but oh well xD

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