Saturday 25 October 2014

The cold and piercing winters..brrr..

Last Friday, it turned out to be PRETTY rainy. And no, it didn't look pretty. It was annoying, wet and cold. Brrrrr. And all the way back home, I was thinking of eating the chocolate and orange carte d'or lying in my freezer but by the time I came home, I was SOOOO cold and my throat was kinda getting sore so I was like hey, why not..?
I ended up having a warm, simple, vegetable soup. It had tomatoes, onion, peas and carrots. It wasn't something fancy, but it was just the right thing to have. Now to think of it, I just realised that the reason I burned my tongue was because I used a steel spoon. The Masterchef judges would kick me out before they even taste my food xD

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